mac os x icon designer

Displaying Icon Sets #1-40 - RealWorld Graphics - software for icon, cursor, image, and pho   這個超神的新娘秘書!!化腐朽為神奇!!太厲害啦~!!   真是太厲害了!!每個女人化完都好美呀~~~ 新秘真是一個偉大的職業,讓女人看到自己最美的樣子 但反過來說,只要肯好好化妝,每個女人都是美女囉?   via  by 1780 My try at making the icons for Adobe CS3 look better than the squares......


Free Icon Sets for Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows 食人村:專吃女人肉的變態人種 一句話叫“如殺豬般嚎叫”,實際上,人真正面對屠刀時還是很平靜的,這個女人雖然哭但並沒怎麽喊叫,大概早知道叫也沒人來救,我曾動過惻隱之心,但想想我是客人說不上話,也就作罷了,而且她豐滿的胴體確實讓我有了食慾,我決定吃她的肉,畢竟人肉不是那麽輕易吃74 icons of aluminum design. I worked on this set for 3 full days (almost non stop). But I'm glad to present to you: ALUMI! This is a set based on the aluminum design of Apple. This is also the first icon set I've created. I did a lot of research on how t...


Top 5 Free Icon Editors for the Pro Designer - Speckyboy Design Magazine作品曾多次入圍金曲獎,去年更以饒舌歌手之姿入圍最佳男歌手的蛋堡,已成為華語饒舌圈無人不曉的勢力,一月中G-SHOCK在台北NEO STUDIO舉辦『G-LIVE PARTY』,這場以街頭文化與嘻哈主題結合的活動,邀請到蛋堡擔任演唱壓軸,在演唱會前一天《MILK潮流誌》特別邀請這位創作鬼才與我們暢聊他Top 5 Free Icon Editors for the Pro Designer May 3, 2008 by Paul Andrew GUI, Icons There are a lot of Premium Icon Editors you could use, but if you look deeper there are FREE Icon Editors that are just as powerful (in some cases more so) as premium versi...


The designer’s guide to the OSX command prompt 大家知道日本「惠方卷」的習俗嗎?這是大阪一種特色壽司,內卷腌葫蘆條、黃瓜、雞蛋卷、鰻魚、肉鬆、椎茸等七種食材,代表著「七福神」。在節分日食用,象徵著把福氣捲起來吃掉,有去災避邪、祝願生意興旺的功用。因此也有「招福卷」、「幸運卷」、「開運卷」、「丸齧り壽司」等名稱,在便利商店或超市都可以買到。 「惠The designer’s guide to the OSX command prompt A tutorial for the modern web designer The command prompt. Once the lofty domain of that guy you know with the computer science degree. Now more and more the every day domain of the hacker web designer. ......


Artua - Icons 單眼相機的玩家,對於身旁的閃光燈相信都不陌生,強力輸出的光源,讓你在黑暗的環境下補充燈光。而比利時視覺藝術家 Stijn Eeckhout、綽號 Redditor: seeck,還以閃光燈為靈感,做了一個另類的實驗,他把閃光燈塞進嘴裡,想看看當閃光開啟時,會呈現怎麼樣的情況,結The very first thing that people look at, while browsing the App Store, is the app icon. When working on iPhone/iPad icons we pay special attention to details and right realization of client’s idea. Camera Genius In one breath with the new Camera Genius i...


Digidesign Downloads Archive - Digidesign Support Archives 拍照是人人愛做的事,當然就是為自己、為別人以及為大家留下美好的紀錄與回憶,中規中矩比 YA 的拍照是基本款,懂得構圖、懂得拍出一些特殊效果就是進階款,但除了這些之外,其實你還有更 KUSO 的選擇。沒錯,就是運用國外很流行的照片炸彈(Photobomb),這種照片風格,就是亂入了別人的照片,不管是Mac downloads (.bin .hqx .sea .sit) require Stuffit Expander or other decoding utility. Newer Mac downloads require Stuffit Expander version 5.1.2 or higher. Download the free Aladdin Stuffit Expander for Mac (included with Mac OS X 10.0-10 ......
