mac os系統下載

Mac OS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  婚禮中,司儀為了活躍氣氛,讓新郎用三個字形容新娘的漂亮。  新郎起先說有氣質有魅力,司儀都說:太普通了沒新意。 新郎想了會憋出3個字:我硬了。 當時現場一片被酒水嗆到的咳嗽聲!Mac OS is a series of graphical user interface-based operating systems developed by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh line of computer systems. The original operating system was first introduced in 1984 as being integral to the original Macintosh, and referr...


Apple - Mac 探索 Mac 的世界比對 MacBook、iMac、Mac Pro 與更多機種。下載 QuickTime、Safari 和 Widgets,免額外付費。 ... 六個功能強大的 app,專為你的照片、影片、音樂、文件、試算表及簡報而設計。功能豐富,更勝以往。...


Apple - OS X Mavericks - 全新 app 與功能可進行更多作業  昨天 17:52 上傳 下載附件 (33.74 KB)  每次看到海綿寶寶都覺得他的笑容實在是太詭異了。。。。。。。。。。。。仔細放大來看才發現 我們要所有 Mac 使用者體驗最新的功能,最先進的技術與最安全的保障。如今人人皆可享。因為最新版本 OS X 是免額外付費的。只要從 Mac App Store 輕鬆下載,再簡單不過了。OS X Mavericks 是 Mac 產品的另一個重大躍升,對每個使用者而言亦是如此。...


OS X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOS X is the tenth major version of Apple's operating system for Macintosh computers. Previous Macintosh operating systems were named using Arabic numerals, e.g. Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9. The letter X in OS X's name refers to the number 10, a Roman numeral....
