mac samba symbolic link

[ubuntu] Samba no longer follows symbolic links 老佛爺有言:「因為這裡有世界最『高』的大樓,所以應該最適合來展示『高級』時尚吧!」跟隨當家設計師的另類幽默,我們划著小船,抵達2015 Chanel早春度假系列的終點-杜拜。既然到了全球奢華之都,大當家花錢當然沒在手軟,把一座無人沙洲,變成中東外雙C皇宮。椰子樹支撐的天花板,觀禮者席地坐臥在軟墊上I have been running a samba server for a while now with no issues. The other day I ran apt-get update && apt-get upgrade on my server and samba was updated. Now when I try to access sym links Windows tells me I dont have permission to access those folders...


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Samba (file sharing) for iOS released - iPhone News, Apps Reviews & Jailbreaking Nike Free 十周年特別企劃 VOL.08   NIKE創辦人Bill Bowerman這麼說:『It's all about the feet,it's not about the shoes』, 也傳達了一切從雙腳開始的理念、Nike Free的誕生就源自『自然律動』理念,這也I’m glad to announce that the free Samba port for iOS is out now. Samba is an implementation of the Windows SMB protocol (which allows you to access devices over your network). This allows you to see your iDevice files over your WiFi networks with no addi...


Understanding Unix and Linux Permissions 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】 前幾天在瀏覽 Facebook 時,發現最近好多人結婚,這個月似乎很多好日子,也剛好在昨天兩位好友終於完成了他們的終身大事,我帶著喜悅的心情參加了這場宛如同學會的婚禮….宴後最可愛的事情是婚禮小禮物是這對小夫妻共創事業的精緻商品,倒讓我這位沒有參加過很多Note: these are classic Unix permissions. However, many modern Unixes support extended attributes that go beyond this. We'll look at one example of that later in the article. ... This file is owned by tom, and has the group ownership of "acct". The owner ...
