mac screen cap shortcut

加快工作效率! 2014 必學的 24 個 Windows / Mac OS 快捷鍵 - UNWIRE.HK 十年之戰 經常都要用電腦進行繁複工作的你,有沒有用快捷鍵幫幫手呢? 快踏入 2015 年單單 Ctrl-C / Ctrl -V 是不夠啦 ! 學會及習慣使用快捷鍵,絕對會令電腦操作事半工倍,今期就等小編艾露貓分享一下自己常用的 24 個 Windows/Mac OS 快捷鍵...


How to do print screen in Mac OS X - Techie Corner    如果人跟物對調...     香蕉: 喔 ~ 原來是人皮阿 (怎麼覺得好驚悚阿)                         &Yesterday, i wanted to do a print screen in Mac OS X but there is not print screen button in Mac keyboard :p This is the first time i use Mac machine. So i ask one of my friend to teach me how to do print screen in Mac OS X. There are few ways to do print...


Mac - Apple活埋是怎麼演的 .....Explore the world of Mac. Check out the new MacBook, iMac, Mac Pro, and more. Visit the Apple site to learn, buy, and get support. ... Final Cut Pro X Built to meet the needs of today’s creative editors, Final Cut Pro offers revolutionary video editing, p...


Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcut CheatSheet + Download - 推酷 你有像你媽媽一樣的雙眼 One of the best things about Mac OS is the number of keyboard shortcuts it supports. Keyboard shortcuts are great because you can perform a function right from the keyboard, which will save you a lot of mouse clicks. For example, why should you have to go...


The Complete Guide to Mac OS X Screenshots - TekRevue 好下流的乞丐 How do I program my mac to automatically name a Screenshot according to the date & time the shot was taken? – when you press comand+shift +3 it takes a screenshot. IT also automatically names it “Screen Capture 1” then the next one is “Screen...


AutoCAD for Mac Shortcuts & Commands | Autodesk Store 全新字型─腿毛體 Manage Screen Fn-F11 Hides all open windows Fn-F12 Display dashboard. Cmd-1 or Ctrl-3 Opens or closes the Tool Sets palette. Cmd-2 or Ctrl-2 Copy toOpens or closes the Content palette on and off. Cmd-3 or Ctrl-9 Shows or hides the Command Window. Cmd-4...
