interface design - UI Mockup and wireframing tool for Mac OS X app UI's - Graphic Design Stack Excha 翻拍自Dcard 已經經過市長核准了 我都不知道市長原來也有dcard 本來還在猶豫要不要寄邀請看到最後一句話立馬案下去我的心被touch到了我都不知道文哲這麼浪漫 成為卡友之後立馬開聊 而且文哲還蠻有自知之明的覺得很有趣分享給大家看祝大家期中考順利 文章I don't have any UI design experience, but I will say: be careful how good it looks early on. No matter how many times you tell them, they will start editing copy and pixel alignment rather than sticking to the big picture and basic concepts you are hopin...