mac vim顏色

gVim 的 color scheme (ir_black.vim) - Tsung's Blog我喜歡美國人的眼光XD Ubuntu Linux 7.10 安裝 Mac Dock(仿) 程式 挑選 Vim 顏色(Color Scheme) 好站 – 查看網頁使用的顏色色系 好站: 於 Web 各個平台都能正常呈現的字型 整理 Oracle 常用命令 Share this: 電子郵件 列印 Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Google 請按讚 ......


osx - Mac Vim: How can I change the default text color to be green? Default font? Macvim manual? - S失戀後... The default color of my terminal is green. I would like the default text color to be green for mac vim as well. ... How can I change that. I think that both of these are very basic macvim questions but I could not find a really good mac vim reference. I r...
