OroborOSX - Modified Oroborus for Mac OS X Images Source: 13n 、 pstatp 、 hk01兄弟不看利益只講義氣! 幾年前紅極一時的國片《艋岬》,阮經天、鳳小岳等人精準詮釋了台灣道地特色的「江湖味」,而近幾年,「8+9」更是成為了時下最流行的網路用語,所謂「8+9」是「八嘎囧」的諧音,就是意指「八家將」,後來就被網友們拿Forwarding X11 from a Remote Computer to the Mac One of the most useful features of X11 is the ability for the X server (XDarwin on your Mac in this case) to respond not only to local X clients, but also remote X clients. What this means in practice is th...