Advantages of Plex over XBMC on Smart TV/ATV1? | MacRumors Forums現在時下的年輕人感情觀開放,「速食愛情」隨處可見,有的更是秉持著「不在乎天長地久,只在乎曾經擁有」的想法,很少是抱持著「以結婚為前提」來交往談戀愛的。因此通常每段戀情都是短暫的,要找到心目中的「真命天子」或者「真命天女」更是難上加難。 不過有時候緣分這樣的事情也很難說,「眾裡尋他千百度,幕然回首,那Better in what regard? How's the USB support currently working for you? Experiencing any lag, slowness, etc? If not, just about all you'll gain by running XBMC or Plex would be a nice 10ft interface that can scrape your existing media library and provide ...