閃電襲擊: Nike籃球推出KD7 Kevin Durant第七代簽名球鞋,將性能創新與氣象和閃電的
How to Zoom In on a Mac 相傳閃電不會擊中同一個地方兩次。事實上,Kevin Durant也是,球場上的每一處都會是他發起進攻的地方。 此次,Nike推出的Kevin Durant第七代簽名球鞋,正是為這位新任常規賽MVP和籃壇最具活力的球星量身設計的。KD7結合了領先的性能創新,並融入了豐富多彩的故事,講述Kevin DThe zoom feature on Mac computers lets you zoom in and out on objects on your screen. You can configure the computer so that zooming is controlled either by the keyboard or the trackpad. In OS X Yosemite, changes to zoom settings are made through the Acce...