90 的男人最想幹的事,相信我這是真的,別說你不是!
How to Zoom In on a Mac 90%的男人都是這樣子的,別說你不是! via www.mesotw.com 1. 90%的男人不願陪老婆逛街,去了,90%也是被老婆拉去的。 2. 90%的男人不願去丈母娘家,去了,90%是為了家庭團結,給老婆面子。 3. 90%的男人都幻想有錢,有了錢後,要換、換、換,The zoom feature on Mac computers lets you zoom in and out on objects on your screen. You can configure the computer so that zooming is controlled either by the keyboard or the trackpad. In OS X Yosemite, changes to zoom settings are made through the Acce...