Can You Upgrade MacBook Air RAM? | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More 貓,是一種用哈欠藏匿咆哮的動物。 世間動物千萬,而我獨喜歡貓。 話說,越南這隻穿着華服的網紅貓咪,想必大家並不陌生,它總是一副玩世不恭的boss姿態,「監督」着它主人的工作,仿佛在說: 「小心,朕打下的天下。」 喵:感不感動? The MacBook Air has seen a number of improvements since the 2008 model. However, it is still somewhat lacking when compared to other laptops. MacBook Air RAM The early models of the MacBook Air only offered 2 GB of RAM. Later models increased it to ......