mach band effect dental

Mach bands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia太可愛了!Explanation The Mach bands effect is due to the spatial high-boost filtering performed by the human visual system on the luminance channel of the image captured by the retina. This filtering is largely performed in the retina itself, by lateral inhibition...


Caries - CTL | Welcome                  5 Sensitivity and Specificity Mileman PA, van der Weele, LT Accuracy in radiographic diagnosis: Dutch practitioners and dental caries. J Dent. 1990 Jun;18(3):130-6. “The pooled restorative treatment decisions of the dentists had a mean sensitivity of 62 p...


Radiographic Interpretation 真的毫無破綻啊!!9/23/2013 10 Dental Caries Horizontal angulation(1) Improper horizontal angulation prevents viewing interproximal caries (2) Improved horizontal angulation, but caries difficult to view (3) Proper horizontal angulation shows interproximal caries Dental Ca...


radiographic-caries-diagnosis - Share and Discover Knowledge on LinkedIn SlideShare   真的要很精準啊!!0 Caries DiagnosisThe following slides describe the radiographicdiagnosis of caries.In navigating through the slides, you should clickon the left mous… ... radiographic-caries-diagnosis 1. 0 Caries DiagnosisThe following slides describe the radiographicdi...


Stomach ulcer - Better Health Channel 天阿~~我再也不相信網路愛情了!!Most stomach ulcers are caused by infection or medication, not stress or poor diet. ... A stomach or gastric ulcer is a break in the tissue lining the stomach. The term 'peptic ulcer' refers to those that occur in either the stomach or the first part of t...
