Macintosh 512K - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 美國非政府組織「Degagé Ministries」,該組織致力於為無 家可歸的退伍軍人重新融入社會而努力。動人的時刻,其中可以看到影片主人公「Jim Wolf」在重返社會時,組織為他改頭換面,換一個新造型。影片上可以看到,在剪髮、染髮、修胡、修眉、刮臉後、加一件襯衫、一個領帶、一件The Macintosh 512K Personal Computer is the second of a long line of Apple Macintosh computers, and was the first update to the original Macintosh 128K. It was virtually identical to the previous Mac, differing primarily in the amount of built-in memory (...