VANS 設計總監Jon Warren 接手Herschel SUPPLY CO.
(Macro) Episode 30: Creating Money - YouTube被稱為VANS 帥氣陽光男教頭的設計總監Jon Warren 在其供職12 年間為粉絲帶來過非常多有意思的作品,而日前這位設計師將會轉向一個在近年來不斷躥紅的加拿大包袋品牌Herschel SUPPLY CO.,並表示“很榮幸成為Herschel SUPPLY CO. 的一份子,也很期待之後能和設計How is money "created" in the U.S.? The answer to this question is a key step in understanding how to control the economy via increases or decreases in the Money Supply. "(Macro) Episode 30: Creating Money" by Dr. Mary J. McGlasson is licensed under a Cre...