Amazon.com: Mad Catz Arcade FightStick Tournament Edition 2 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3: Vid 最近日本網友在2ch的論壇上熱烈討論起了大陸的情侶們。一位網友從鳳凰網上找出一系列套圖並以標題「這就是中國的情侶」向廣大日本網友普及知識(?)引起了網友廣大的反響。我們先來看看這些情侶的圖片...不得不說,畫面不僅僅反應了當今內地的經濟狀況,許多網友看後紛紛酸道:「我可一點都不羨慕」「這完全就是8Improve your fighting game skills with the Mad Catz Arcade FightStick Tournament Edition 2. A fresh take on the original TE FightStick, this dual-compatible version builds high-quality Sanwa Denshi parts into an arcade stick that's always looking for a fi...