made of

Madigan Made 注意看,台灣的投籃機神技有上榜喔!   Like A Boss 網路遊戲用語,原本是形容那些神人級玩家,由於單人就可以單挑強大勢力或是高難度關卡,因此會被人家形容成像是大魔王一樣。 「Like A Boss!」如今被引申為形容「超屌」的人、事、物。   People are aCreative living made simple. A DIY lifestyle blog that focuses on simple crafts, DIY decor and easy recipes. ... Madigan made… a project for Mod Podge Rocks. I think y’all know me by now. Glitter is my jam. I can’t get through the holidays without it....


maya*made   小時候練得可勤了咧XD There are plenty of perfect invitations for parents to collaborate with their younger children around craft, creativity and imaginary play. Lots of the projects can be made independently by an older child. In the back there is an extensive gallery of pape...
