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Made-up words - Simpsons Wiki▲HUD和儀錶都會同步顯示駕駛輔助系統的圖示,讓駕駛者可以更輕鬆的查看資訊。 大七在手 安全我有 BMW 750 Li 俗話說的好,「社會在走,大七要有」,下一句話則是,「大七在手,安全我有」,當你入手了全新小改款的BMW 7 Series,那麼你也是入手了目前市面上等級最高的駕駛輔助系統,今天A Edit Adultivity Edit The state or condition of being an adult. In "Much Apu About Nothing," Kearney believes that his fake "Charles Norwood" ID will confirm this for him, thus allowing him to buy beer and cheap cigars. Edit Al-key-hol Edit Marge's pronu...