Windows 7 64 bit Wireless Keyboard and Mouse drivers - HP Support Forum - 155277網友回覆: (1) 他想吃再打包,不想吃就拉倒,頂多再買給他吃, 你把食物撥到地上幹嘛?比誰比較幼稚嗎?你拿他錢, 飯也不是你煮的,發脾氣就要提房子是你爸的,你幹嘛不回娘家給爸爸養! (2)吃什麼自己負責就好,為什麼要管他?就是對他太好,他當作理所當然了。 一毛錢都不給?那房子是妳爸的,鎖上,不用讓I Have a HP Pavilion Elite m9160f. I recently upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit from the Vista Home Premium 64-bit that came installed on the PC. I need drivers to support the HP Wireless Keyboard and Mouse set that came as part of the m9160f. The...