安全帽也大有來頭 Porter x NEIGHBORHOOD 聯名安全帽帥氣上路!
Apple Magic Mouse Works on Windows 7 | Redmond Pie 裏原宿品牌當中,屹立不搖的 NEIGHBORHOOD,以美國重機文化為出發,打造一系列具有硬派男人位的商品,這回更以重機必備的安全帽為出發,另外找上包款品牌Porter,共同打造帥氣十足的聯名安全帽,內裡再以迷彩布料加持,滿滿細節呈現。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.cApple’s latest mice sensation – the multi-touch capable Magic Mouse introduced iPhone-style touch capabilities in the world of mice for users running OS X. Thi Apple’s latest mice sensation – the multi-touch capable Magic Mouse introduced iPhone-style tou...