MAGPUL BLACK Colt 6920 M4 Carbine | LE6920MP-B | 5.56 or .223 | Birmingham Pistol Wholesale話說, 最近蘇格蘭發生了一件巨搞笑的事情…… 就在前兩天的夜晚,蘇格蘭警方忽然接到了一個驚慌失措的報警電話, 報警者是當地的一個農場主,Bruce Grubb, 他說,有一隻大老虎正在我家農場裡!我快被嚇死了,快來救救我吧! 什麼?老虎?你說的Product Description Throughout the world today, Colt’s reliability, performance, and accuracy provide our Armed Forces the confidence required to accomplish any mission. Colt’s new LE6920MP-B shares many features of its combat proven brother, the Colt M4....