mail cc bcc

「副本抄送 (Cc)」及「密件抄送 (Bcc)」是什麼意思? - Mail副本抄送 (CC) 是指「carbon copy」。任何列於郵件「副本抄送」欄位者,均會在你寄出郵件時收到副本。郵件的所有其他收件人均會看見副本抄送 (CC) 欄位中的收件人已收到郵件副本。密件抄送 (BCC) 是指「blind carbon copy」。...


sending mail (to,cc,bcc) from Excel - can i do it?嗯...也是寫得蠻辛苦的喔!!"來"還重寫... sending mail (to,cc,bcc) from Excel - can i do it? This is a discussion on sending mail (to,cc,bcc) from Excel - can i do it? within the Excel Questions forums, part of the Question Forums category; hi every one, i want to put a button in a worksheet that...


email - python: how to send mail with TO, CC and BCC? - Stack Overflow好樂觀的一家人喔! 大家過年放鞭炮、拜拜也要小心喔! I need for testing purposes to populate few hundred email boxes with various messages, and was going to use smtplib for that. But among other things I need to be able to send messages not only TO ... Don't add the bcc header. See this: http://mail.python....


E-mail Etiquette: Cc & Bcc – Which to use and why | Etiquette Daily抹茶餅乾人扭到腳了...痛! Q: How should Bcc be used when emailing? It seems like it could be dangerous and deceptive. A: You’re right to be wary and seek clarification on this one. The Cc (carbon copy) function allows the sender to send a copy of the email to someone other than th...


Sending an Email to Multiple Recipients - Cc: And Bcc:感覺鼻子很痛... Use Cc and Bcc to send an email to more than one person easily and fast. ... When you write an email, you write it to someone (or, of course, to someone special). Yet the To: field is not the only place to put an addressee....


excel - VBA code to add CC and BCC with Mail Merge - Stack Overflow兔兔熊熊集體中毒惹!! T^T   大家過年吃大餐也要小心喔!I am trying to add the cc function to a mail merge. In other words, I not only need to personalize the emails to different email addresses. I would also like each email to be include a ......
