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Why YouTube buffers: The secret deals that make—and break—online video | Ars Technica 義大利警方日前破獲一起監禁案件,一名52歲的男子吉達諾(Aloisio Giordano)監禁一名29歲的羅馬尼亞女子長達10年,另外還有2名因遭性侵而生下的孩子,三人被發現時全身髒亂、營養不良。 根據英媒《每日郵報》報導,上周末,義大利男子吉達諾因為交通違規遭警方攔下,而發現車內有一名異常瘦弱的Technology Lab / Information Technology Why YouTube buffers: The secret deals that make—and break—online video When ISPs and video providers fight over money ... Lee Hutchinson has a problem. My fellow Ars writer is a man who loves to watch YouTube ......


The Deal - Official Site 轉眼,第一批00後都要18歲了, 時間總是咻咻的跑的飛快,而今年也只剩下一個月的時間了,為什麼那些美好的舊時光總過的很快?事實上,沒有對比就沒有傷害~   過去,父母教訓孩子成績考的差 而現在,孩子成績差,父母帶着孩子去質問老師     10年前,收到電子郵件巨開心 News and analysis about deals, mergers, acquisitions, private equity, venture capital, LBO's and dealmakers published by The Deal Pipeline ... Preview content Jurassic World is just the beginning for theaters and movie tech providers Electrolux faces figh...


How You Make Decisions Says a Lot About How Happy You Are - WSJ 這個12米長的大客車,有一個隱藏的車庫,可以停一輛Mini Cooper或Smart。   還有加長版,可以停一輛奔馳SLK或保時捷911。這是由德國的Volkner Mobil公司製造的一款房車,型號為Volkner Performance。       ‘Maximizers’ Check All Options; ‘Satisficers’ Make the Best Decision Quickly: Guess Who’s Happier ... Most people fall somewhere in the middle. A person can maximize when it comes to some decisions and satisfice on others. In a study published in 2006 in ...


Hulu Sets Mammoth ‘Seinfeld’ Licensing Deal Valued at $160 Million | VarietyTEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 2005年吳尊以飛輪海出道,在四個男生的團體中,吳尊的外表與氣質特別出眾,頓時成為團體中最受歡迎的一人,同時也是團體中最紅的,當時經紀公司為了主打偶像的路線,對於團員的包裝都以單身帥氣的形象來吸引觀眾,然而在偶像的包袱下,如何默默的承受自己的感情上的UPDATE: In another sign that Hulu is stepping up its game, the digital video giant has landed the SVOD rights to “Seinfeld,” cutting a deal with Sony Pictures TV for all 180 episodes of the enduring NBC comedy. The deal is said to be valued at around $875...


After a Deal, British Chocolates Won’t Cross the Pond - The New York Times話說, 當親人去世,留下的遺物就成為了家人睹物思親時唯一的寄託。 可如果這些遺物不慎丟失了,失去它們的家人們.....該有多痛苦?   對於這個問題,79歲的Donald Parthree大概最有資格回答了。 因為27年前,他失去了父親最最珍貴的遺物......   1966年,As a result of a settlement with the Hershey’s Company, Let’s Buy British Imports, or L.B.B., agreed this week to stop importing all Cadbury’s chocolate made overseas....
