Wishafriend.com - Share Your Feelings With Messages, Poems, Quotes, Wishes & More 圖片來源 男孩們有沒有過這種經驗 跟恩愛的女友激烈運動時 結果到關鍵時刻突然軟掉抬不起頭? 有網友在網路上分享了自己男友的情形 沒想到男友最後說出原因的時候 讓女方徹底大傻眼 ~~~~~以下為原文~~~~~ 標題:男友軟掉的原因竟然是... 我和我男友在一起兩年了 想說和男友感情穩定Messages, Poems, Wishes, Cards, Quotes & More From WishAFriend.com, share your feelings with your friends and family. Send poems, messages and wishes to them. Make them smile with a thoughtful image on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, etc....