Making it Lovely - Official Site 據外媒報導指出,在2014年日內瓦車展中,瑪莎拉蒂曾發表一款跟品牌創辦人同名的概念雙門跑車Alfieri,作為入門車款。一開始規劃預計在今年推出量產版本,但瑪莎拉蒂歐洲總經理在表示,Alfieri預計將到2020年才有機會亮相。 瑪莎拉蒂品牌入門車款Alfieri的延期,除了因為瑪莎I met up with a friend yesterday and we took Calvin with us to the Kane County Flea Market. It was kind of a bust shopping-wise, but the company was great, and there were plenty of cute things that I snapped photos of to share! Hello, adorable old radios....