make it文法

15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly小弟常去吃的一家小吃店老闆娘非常好客而且豪爽因為店的位置離附近兵營區也很近所以假日也有不少阿兵哥來吃算是高朋滿座事情是這樣的店門前的路是二線道加上附近商家不少所以假日時總是會有點小塞車客運停下來放人 或是小黃停下來載人總是會有點塞車久而久之大家也都習慣了今日終於目睹了一個傳奇之前只聽說老闆娘很猛(我Grammatical errors make you look bad and hurts your effectiveness as a writer. So, we've assembled the 15 most egregious grammar goofs into one helpful infographic. With this handy reference, you'll never look silly again....


English grammar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia在某鄉下小村莊,有一個婦人,被認定是不孝順的媳婦,但她總是不承認。 有一天,她真的受不了別人的批評,大聲吼道:「誰說我不孝順呀?前幾天我婆婆感冒生病,我還親自嚼東西餵她吃呢!」 別人問道﹕「是嗎?那我們真是錯怪你了,你餵她吃什麼呀?」媳婦回答﹕「我嚼了甘蔗餵她吃啊!」English grammar is the body of rules that describe the structure of expressions in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses and sentences. There are historical, social, cultural and regional variations of English. Diver...


MAKE BELIEFS COMIX! Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids of All Ages既然是約會就有閃光*想當初剛和閃光開始交往因為兩個人都是對方的初戀,完全沒有經驗約會吃飯都是第一次,也不知道要誰主動終於過了一星期,他約我去看電影他是這樣說的「我有免費的電影票~你要不要陪我去看藍色大門?」國片耶完全符合他在我心中的貧窮文藝青年的形象那天下午我們到了真善美看好電影時間先去附近買零食為 is an educational comic strip creator from author Bill Zimmerman. Create, print, email and post to Facebook your original comic strips through this site! ... Home Create Comix Create Comix How to Play Demo Create Comix Story Ideas...


Grammar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia詞不達意你們看看......這是我某天與一個新朋友在網路上的對話 『夜來襄,妳說妳教音樂,是哪方面?』朋友問 『就平時交肛琴,禮拜六日在教會工作...』我答 『妳..妳..是說教 鋼琴嗎?』對方有點遲疑『對阿...』我說 『喔..那~在教會是在做什麼工作阿?』對方又問 『就袋屍斑,領屍之類的...』In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, ofte...


Five Grammatical Errors That Make You Look Dumb - Copyblogger前陣子 某知名的外商公司 通知我著正式服裝 準時去面試 乖乖不得了 外商不就是『ㄚ豆仔』開的嗎?那可得穿上西裝正經八百的帶著『衣冠禽獸』般的最佳儀態 進入公司 果然是外商的美麗辦公室 裡頭七八個人 似乎也是來面試的 失業率真的是很高 還有中年失業的… 在經One thing blogging and good copywriting share is a conversational style, and that means it’s fine to fracture the occasional rule of proper grammar in order to communicate effectively. Both bloggers and copywriters routinely end sentences with preposition...


Chomp Chomp某醫學院學生正在上病理課程... 病理學課上到一半,大家照常睡覺的睡覺,看書的看書 老師看了看,話也不說,忽然發了一份「各種性病的課前講義」, 學生們也沒當 一回事扔在書包的一邊,當計算紙的當計算紙,包便當的包便當 .... 直到最後一堂課下課前,這Grammar explanations, handouts for teachers and students, and interactive exercises....
