「我要代替月亮懲罰你!」 PEACH JOHN X 美少女戰士
Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (3rd Edition) (Voices That 日動畫美少女戰士20週年紀念,這次與日本內衣品牌「PEACH JOHN」合作推出多款動畫主要角色人物月亮、水星、火星、金星、木星等等的裝扮內衣、睡衣的套裝,已經於官網正式販售,也請了日本雜誌JELLY的模特兒 安井レイ來拍攝樣品,每套售價約4980元日幣,在日本PEACH JOHN官方線上商店、日Steve Krug (pronounced "kroog") is best known as the author of Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability , now in its second edition with over 350,000 copies in print. Ten years later, he finally gathered enough energy to write another...