make sense

Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (3rd Edition) (Voices That   (圖源 當男友做出這X種行為,妳就嫁了吧!   說到這裡姐妹們!先想想看妳們心目中最佳男友是什麼類型的呢? 小鮮肉?不不不!這可不是交往的長久基石啊! 我們可都是非常珍惜自己的女孩們,總會走到最後與「那一位」 牽手走下去的時刻..   到底Steve Krug (pronounced "kroog") is best known as the author of Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability , now in its second edition with over 350,000 copies in print. Ten years later, he finally gathered enough energy to write another...


The Millennials Are Generation Nice - (翻攝自法西斯版) PTT某女網友在法西斯版PO文問:早上起床發現大量出水? 好像不是問題只是純心得分享XD 事情是這樣子的 今天早上起床,應該說快要醒來半睡半醒時 夢到自己有尿床的感覺,下面一直出水的感覺,醒來發現床單褲子全濕 還以為自己尿床了,但跟尿床感覺不太樣,沒想太多就去浴室清洗一下 &nSuddenly, as you may have noticed, millennials are everywhere. Not that this group of people born after 1980 and before 2000 — a giant cohort now estimated to number at least 80 million Americans, more than the baby boom generation — was ever invisible. W...


Fickle Sense: How to make a circle skirt: full, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:賴曈姸 資訊大爆炸時代, 每一季有看都看不完的動漫作品, 一年有四季啊, 角色量算起來超驚人! 所以《萌咩誌》不斷推出主題榜單型態的文章, 曈姸在敘述方面總是非常認真, 希望大家能藉由這些文章, 輕鬆找到心目中喜歡的作品與角色啦~*   是不是很貼心呢?  Hi, it depends on which skirt you are making. For the 1/4 skirt you might only need one metre. Where as if you are making the full circle, 3/4 circle skirt you would be safe with 2 metres. It also depends on the length that you want. Just also make sure y...


13 things that do not make sense - space - 19 March 2005 - New Scientist原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 說真的這年頭把漫畫跟小說作品 翻拍成電影或是電視劇真的不是什麼稀奇的事情了(´・_・`) 稀奇的是要拍的超好看啊(對不起喵妹正在吐槽) 最近讓喵妹注意到的正是一部叫做”火星異種”的漫畫被拍成真人電影了 這部作品一開始因為好奇有問過朋友There are many scientific observations that simply defy explanation. New Scientist takes a tour of exceptions that could rewrite all the rules ... Read more: 13 more things that don't make sense 1 The placebo effect Don't try this at home. Several times a...


Sense - Official Site (本文原文連結)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者kilieolee (Tracy Mcgrady)看板Gossiping標題Re: [問卦] 如何交到日本女朋友時Sister organisations Sense International helps people who are deafblind in less developed countries to communicate, interact and flourish. Visit Sense International website Sense Scotland supports thousands of disabled people and their families throughout...


Sense About Science - Official Site (翻攝自網路) 根據日本媒體報導,日本偶像團體「流星群少女」的工作人員,在其管理的中學女偶像兩腿間放跳蛋,照片流傳到推特上,引起粉絲暴動,該名工作人員也隨即遭到解雇。 據日媒報導,今年八月從偶像團體「金絲桃」移籍到「流星群少女」的中學生偶像大友茉莉,其「流星群少女」的工作人員竟在本月17日的時候被Sense about Science ? Equipping people to make sense of science and evidence ... 30 April 2015 No place for crime fiction in policy UK election manifestos are misleading voters on crime and evidence. 16 April 2015 Got questions about fracking?...
