Makro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Roberto Esquivel Cabrera,我們之前說過他的故事... 作為擁有全世界最大丁丁的男人,他的生活可以說全被丁丁毀了... 睡覺不能趴着,只能側着,還得專門找個枕頭墊着... 排尿排不乾淨,有一堆泌尿系統問題, 沒辦法穿制服,沒辦法下跪,沒辦法跑太快…Makro is an international brand of Warehouse clubs, also called cash and carries. Originally a Dutch-based chain, the first one opened in Amsterdam in 1968. In the following years more stores opened in the Netherlands and in several other European countri...