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Iron Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia柯南。。。這是開啟了所有人的眼殘技能嗎。。。   這真的太白痴了...以前竟然都沒發現   --------------Iron Man is a fictional character, a superhero that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by writer-editor Stan Lee, developed by scripter Larry Lieber, and designed by artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby. He made his fi...


Iron Man (Anthony "Tony" Stark) - Marvel Comics Database 網路上的「神回覆」時常讓人爆笑不已,但其實「處處留心皆爆笑」,在校園中,總是有許多「厲害」的考生,將帶你進入一個倒地不起的爆笑之路,這些答案,有些還會讓人不禁的認為「沒有錯啊!」等等看下去,你絕對會對這些答案感到十分的「不知所措」! 1.愛麗絲在顯微鏡上裝了一個標本切片,當她往顯微鏡裡看時,卻沒有Comic Book Showcase Episode 9 Arrow Season 2 Watch Episode 9 | View All Contents[show] History I... ... Iron Man is born! Inventing the Iron Man Armor Stark went to Afghanistan [8] to supervise a field test for one of his transistorized weapons....


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Iron Man (Anthony Stark) - Marvel Universe Wiki: The definitive online source for Marvel super hero 迪士尼公主向來是大家童年的一部分,而正因為其廣為人知的代表性,公主們也常被拿來作為網友們惡搞的材料;但下面這些作品可就令人笑不出來了。 藝術家Saint Hoax最近創作一系列公主們被父親親吻的圖畫,主要呼籲家庭中深藏的迫害危機,在網路上廣為流傳;而這一系列再度以公主作為題材的畫像,再度聲揚家庭暴力Iron Man clashed with Mallen, a terrorist enhanced by the Extremis virus, a techno-organic agent designed by Tony’s one-time classmate Maya Hansen and intentionally leaked so that the world could see its destructive potential. Mallen defeated Iron Man, ne...
