This Old Man - The New Yorker 很多老司機都知道,日本和諧影片廠商SOD的「魔鏡號」,是一個移動式攝影棚。近日前愛情動作片導演久保直樹,還分享了魔鏡號誕生的始末,還爆料了「素人」拍片的一些內幕 「魔鏡號」 (マジックミラー號)其實就是一台安裝單向玻璃的貨車,外面的人無法看到裡面,裡面的人卻能清楚外面的Check me out. The top two knuckles of my left hand look as if I’d been worked over by the K.G.B. No, it’s more as if I’d been a catcher for the Hall of Fame pitcher Candy Cummings, the inventor of the curveball, who retired from the game in 1877. To put t...