Manganese - Periodic Table of Elements: Los Alamos National Laboratory【男生必看】跟女生約會時可別傻傻當個《約會KY太郎》阿~~ 其實「KY」是日本的一個流行用語,就是日文中「空気を読めない」(搞不懂現在氣氛)的簡稱,也就是指「搞不清楚狀況、不識相、亂說話、白目的人」!而日本女孩眼中的約會KY太郎總是出現在這幾個時候,男孩們~快點CHECK 一下自己是不History From the Latin word magnes, magnet, from magnetic properties of pyrolusite. Recognized by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Torbern Olof Bergman, and others as an element and isolated by Gahn in 1774 by reduction of the dioxide with carbon. Sources Manganese ...