Margaret and Helen | Best Friends for Sixty Years and Counting…1.提問:茉莉花、太陽花、玫瑰花哪一朵花最沒力?回答:茉莉花。原因:好一朵美麗(沒力)的茉莉花。2.提問:鉛筆姓什么?回答:蕭。原因:削(蕭)鉛筆。3.提問:猩猩最討厭什么線?回答:平行線。原因:平行線沒有相交(香蕉)。4.提問:橡皮、老虎皮、獅子皮哪一個最不好?回答:橡皮。原因:橡皮擦(橡皮差)。Margaret, I hear the fall colors up there in Maine rival the beauty of my spring wild flowers down here in Texas. Well, I find that hard to believe ’cause our wild flowers are mighty pretty. Maybe we’ll have to agree to disagree. But do you know what else...