Marginal cost - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia史上最壞跟最笨的駭客! 我稍微粗略翻譯了全文對話~ 真的是太好笑了!~~ 翻譯中好幾次都笑到沒法打字~~~翻譯如下~ 如有不順之處~ 還望各位網友海涵~~~人物:: 判斷應為 IRC 交談室 #stopHipHop 的 Builder: 號稱"厲害"的"駭客": 插花者PS: (中場說明)If the cost function is not differentiable, the marginal cost can be expressed as follows. A number of other factors can affect marginal cost and its applicability to real world problems. Some of these may be considered market failures. These may include ...