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What the Hell Happened to Kirsten Dunst? | lebeau's le Blog【你不想聽的真相】揭穿花心男人背後的大實話 當一個已婚男人向你表達他的愛意,也許他不是因為不幸的婚姻,不是因為不愛自己的妻子,只是為花心找一個合適的藉口罷了。跟你談情說愛不一定會與你結婚,其實某些花心男人的背後藏著驚人的大實話,你敢看嗎?   第一句實話: 已婚男人愛上自己妻子以外的女人,Kirsten Dunst was a child actor who successfully transitioned into adult roles. She worked opposite Brad Pitt, Robin Williams and Jim Carrey. She was directed by the likes of Woody Allen, Sam Raimi and Neil Jordan. She played a cheerleader, a vampire and ...
