魔鬼們的午夜盛宴,GIVENCHY 2015 秋冬男裝發布
MABUX - Latest Bunker Prices - Marine Fuel Prices - Oil Futures Online 入主 GIVENCHY 已有十年的 Riccardo Tisci 將“對黑暗的執念”帶入了 2015 秋冬男裝秀場。血紅色的 T 台就像是通向地獄的高速公路,黑色的條紋套裝拉開了 Tisci 式“美國恐怖故事”的序幕,成就了整場秀的主色調。身披紗裙的MABUX provides Real-Time and Delayed feeds from NYMEX and ICE exchanges for Gas Oil, Brent Crude, WTI, NY Harbor Ulsd and Henry Hub LNG. Today this information is vital for bunker business since the Future Market helps to forecast the price behaviour....