小「徐嬌」曬泳裝照如易容 網友:整容還是修圖
Maroon 5 - Payphone Lyrics - Lyrics.com - your music community with the largest searchable 小徐嬌曬泳裝照如易容 網友:整容還是自拍神器?最近1997年出生的徐嬌因為出演《長江七號》女扮男裝出演周星馳兒子出道走紅,16歲的徐嬌9月1日在微博曬出沙灘遊玩的照片,穿著泳裝的徐嬌變身沙灘...最近1997年出生的徐嬌因為出演《長江七號》女扮男裝出演周星馳兒子出道走紅,16歲的徐嬌9月1日在微博Maroon 5 Payphone lyrics: (feat. Wiz Khalifa) I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong Where are the plans we made for two? Yeah, I, I know it's har...