Carousel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia這是在四川南充地區發現的百年老屍(清朝古屍),肉身僵而不腐,渾身重布纏繞,可見此屍是經趕屍過後才下葬的。為何可斷定此屍經人趕屍入墳?就靠他周身的“裹僵布”(趕屍術士“吆屍”時,屍體都套著“鎖僵套”“裹僵布&rdquoIn Mary Poppins, Mary, Bert, and the children ride a merry-go-round, then leave the carousel on their horses to go off on a fox hunt and a horse race. In the film Charade, near the end, there is a scene where appears a carousel in the background with the ...