The Merry-Go-Round - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 有人說: 女人年過25不再談青春,年過35不再談年輕 年過40無論曾經如何花容月貌 都無法再談姿色 隨着年齡的增長 都會變成不修邊幅,身材走形 每天喋喋不休抱怨生活的大媽 如果你也是這樣想的 不妨來看看Puspa的故事  The Merry-Go-Round were a Los Angeles based pop band, best known for the singer-songwriter Emitt Rhodes and featuring Joel Larson on drums, Gary Kato on lead guitar, and Bill Rinehart on bass. The band released only one album, The Merry-Go-Round (1967). "...