USB mass storage device class - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 一個男人,願意把自己的錢拿給你,願意讓你在愛情裡感覺幸福,在自己的能力裡,滿足你的願望,這就是愛你! 男人心在哪裡錢便在哪裡。感覺是真道理!女人記住,不肯為你花錢的男人,他絕對不愛你。好好看看這個文章吧一直以來,我都拒絕在愛情面前談錢,我一直以為把愛情和金錢扯在一起就是玷污了美好的愛The USB mass storage device class (also known as USB MSC or UMS) is a set of computing communications protocols defined by the USB Implementers Forum that makes a USB device accessible to a host computing device and enables file transfers between the host...