聖誕跨年約會特輯 告别撞衫的世界 BLACK YAK 限量感恩應援優惠
"Mass Text" - Tay Allyn- Official Music Video - YouTube 戶外運動時尚風盛行,在冬日寒流頻頻入侵之際,保暖外套也瞬間成為潮流必備單品。由韓星趙寅成所代言的戶外品牌BLACK YAK,以專業機能材質、大膽拼接風格及立體剪裁設計風靡戶外用品界。為回饋廣大喜愛BLACK YAK的粉絲們,即日起~12月31日止,呼應聖誕及跨年節慶氛圍的BLACK YAK異材質拼2013. A ©BMI affiliated artist. Available on ITUNES! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mas... 24 year old recording POP artist Tay Allyn's hit music single "Mass Text". Tay has created a new breed of Pop that's like Ke$ha without the sex, and Gaga without...