Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde) - Marvel Universe Wiki: The definitive online source for Marvel super he 話說長榮航空的人員多被要求說台語,對部分台語不佳的年輕一代來說,平日工作增加不少困難一次,一位老太太操台語辛苦完成訂位,長榮航空的訂位人員基於好心, 再三叮嚀,請她搭機時務必要記得「早兩個鐘頭」到機場. ----試著用國語「直譯」那種很破的「台語」唸唸看吧. 結果Nothing is known about Mastermind’s life before the time when, while working as a carnival mentalist, he was enlisted by Magneto as a member in his Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants. More recently, Sebastian Shaw and Emma Frost, the mutants who lead the Inner ....