就是你了,皮卡丘!Google 徵求神奇寶貝訓練大師
Loops — Matlab Tutorial 3.0 documentationGoogle 一年一度的愚人節玩笑又來了!這次是把 Google Maps 加入神奇寶貝訓練功能。 Google 使用者每年最期待的就是 Google 的愚人節玩笑了。Google 今年的玩笑已經上線。目前 Google 在 YouTube 上發布了一則影片,徵求世界最強的神奇寶貝大師Note, that this is a simple example and is a nice demonstration to show you how a for loop works. However, DO NOT DO THIS IN PRACTICE!!!! Matlab is an interpreted language and looping through a vector like this is the slowest possible way to change a vect...