【丹寧襲街】東西區直擊 DENIM ON DENIM 「渾身丹寧」穿搭!時尚的街頭玩味,讓人好想學起
Mary and Max - Official Site 男男女女照過來! 「DENIM ON DENIM」的「渾身丹寧」穿搭,其實早已成為流行趨勢,這種簡約中自然散發率性、質感氣息的造型,從巨星到素人都愛不釋手!本次 JUKSY 乘著這股旋風,在台北東、西區街頭上,邀請素人一同參與 DENIM ON DENIM 的穿搭 PARTY ,證明「丹寧」特有的Mary and Max is a claymated feature film from the creators of the Academy Award winning short animation HARVIE KRUMPET. Oh no! You don't have the correct version of flash to view this site. Click here to download the latest version of the flash player Sit...