Maxi-Cosi CabrioFix infant carrier and group 0+ isofix car seat有位男士在飯店大廳,當他往櫃檯方向走去時,不小心撞到了一位女士,而且是手肘碰到了她的胸部,男士轉過身去說:「女士,如果妳的心跟妳的胸部一樣軟的話,妳一定會原諒我的。」女士回答說「如果你『那話兒』跟你的手肘一樣硬的話,我在1221號房。」電腦課,有個男生和鄰座女生講話,結果被老師罵老師:「做什麼?」男Without disturbing your baby, simply transfer the lightweight CabrioFix from the car onto any pushchair or buggy by Maxi-Cosi or Quinny. Whether you choose to use the CabrioFix with a car seat belt, a FamilyFix (Isofix) base, EasyBase 2 seat belt base, th...