Maxi-Cosi offers highly appreciated car seats and strollers for babies, toddlers and kids 世界最令人毛骨悚然的聖誕老人 聖誕節對於西方國家的意義非同小可,就像春節對於華人的意義一樣,都是一年最重要的一個節日。 在這段時間,大家可以度假,聚會,購物,互送禮物。由於聖誕假期通常和新年假期非常近,所以在很多西方國家,也有著「聖誕新年季」這麼一個說法。 總之,這個節日,非常重要就The best protection for babies, toddlers and kids. Maxi-Cosi offers highly appreciated car seats and strollers in every category. ... At Maxi-Cosi, we understand the thrill of having a new baby in the family and the excitement of spending time together, d...