Maxi-Cosi offers highly appreciated car seats and strollers for babies, toddlers and kids醫生說:看過你的測試後,有好消息、也有壞消息!你想先聽哪一個? 病人:先說壞消息吧! 醫生:我發現你有潛在的同性戀傾向!而且難以根治! 病人:我的天啊!那好消息呢? 醫生:說心裡話,我覺得你還蠻可愛的哦~。The best protection for babies, toddlers and kids. Maxi-Cosi offers highly appreciated car seats and strollers in every category. ... At Maxi-Cosi, we understand the thrill of having a new baby in the family and the excitement of spending time together, d...