Maxi-Cosi Priori SPS belt installed toddler car seat 為什麼有的人結婚20年,看起來仍然如膠似漆?而有的小兩口剛結婚不久日子便越過越平淡,毫無激情?人們總說,婚姻是愛情的墳墓,感慨婚姻生活跟想象中的不一樣,平凡的日子裡少了戀愛時的激情與樂趣。時間久了,婚姻生活就像清水煮白菜一樣淡然無味。 但也有人說,想要把日子過得有滋有味,還需要好好經營The Maxi-Cosi Priori SPS is an attracetively priced but comfortable toddler car seat ... Is it possible to mount my car seat (Group 1 or Group 0+/1) onto the frame of my pushchair? This is not possible with our current range of products....