Maxi-Cosi offers highly appreciated car seats and strollers for babies, toddlers and kids某日去一朋友家打牌,一進門朋友就開始訴苦說最近常被人騷擾一個家伙錯把他家的電話當成送外賣的,經常打進來要訂飯,偏那廝一根腸子,怎么解釋、漫罵、哀求,通通無效,朋友愁的夠戧。坐下來開打,未幾,有電話打入,一看來電,又是那家伙(以下簡稱s),朋友要去接,被我攔住,按下免提鍵,于是有了下面的對話:我:你好The best protection for babies, toddlers and kids. Maxi-Cosi offers highly appreciated car seats and strollers in every category. ... At Maxi-Cosi, we understand the thrill of having a new baby in the family and the excitement of spending time together, d...