Fast mobile, wireless, fibre and fixed internet - Wireless Broadband | Maxis 老婆的心思非常複雜,九曲十八彎,但是老公喜歡直觀理解,所見即所得。兩個人結成生命的共同體,免不了有些誤會,有些曲解。所以溝通非常重要。老婆生氣了,一個非常重要的宴會不想去了,撂挑子了。因為什麼原因呢?老婆可能會說:好累、好麻煩、好土、好討厭、好虛偽、好無趣……(牢騷的NEnjoy high speed internet and portable WiFi! Anytime, anywhere, on any device with Maxis Wireless Broadband. ... What are the plans that include modems? The data plans with modems are as below: The Service speed is on a best effort basis. Speed depends .....