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Obama’s call for an open Internet puts him at odds with regulators - The Washington Post 日本設計師高橋盾之 UNDERCOVER,Spring/Summer 2014 最新一季當中,推出相當具有特色的棒球外套,拿出拿手的解構設計,將外套加上高規格皮革材質作為袖子設計,搭配胸前的 “PSYCHOCANDY” 以及標語 “The wind is screamHours after President Obama called for the Federal Communications Commission to pass tougher regulations on high-speed Internet providers, the agency’s Democratic chairman told a group of business executives that he was moving in a different direction. Hu...


Fish eaters beware of the butterfish: your tummy may thank you | Enlightened Eater 英國時尚品牌 Paul Smith,Spring/Summer 2014 不改品牌特色,依舊讓男人們擁有許多花俏亮眼的選擇,本次特別請來圖樣設計師打造特別的七彩炫目蘑菇花樣,具有迷幻視覺以及特色,帶出這一季品牌大膽的設計感。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方粉This is the most terrible fish and it should be banned. It may not be lethal but at least it shouldn’t be sold without a mandatory warning. I’ve soiled 6 pairs of underwear and two pairs of trousers in just a fee hours and now can’t leave the house. On to...
