Can't Change Sample Rate - Avid Pro Audio Community #靠北老婆3686 我要靠北我爸的老婆(文長,拜託各位看完)我爸現在的老婆不是我媽媽,是我爸爸離婚後再娶的(事情是這樣子的)我小時候爸媽因為個性不合離婚了,那個女人是我爸公司的員工,她人很好心地善良,也有自己的家庭,也有兩個小孩一男一女,直到她老公有家暴的樣子然後離婚,帶When I create a new session I want a sample rate of 44.1 instead of 48 but that field is disabled and I can't change it. Probably related, I can play other sound from my Windows laptop, through the MBOX Mini audio interface, to the monitors. In Pro Tools,...