21世紀天方夜譚 2015 Chanel早春渡假系列
Can't Change Sample Rate - Avid Pro Audio Community 老佛爺有言:「因為這裡有世界最『高』的大樓,所以應該最適合來展示『高級』時尚吧!」跟隨當家設計師的另類幽默,我們划著小船,抵達2015 Chanel早春度假系列的終點-杜拜。既然到了全球奢華之都,大當家花錢當然沒在手軟,把一座無人沙洲,變成中東外雙C皇宮。椰子樹支撐的天花板,觀禮者席地坐臥在軟墊上When I create a new session I want a sample rate of 44.1 instead of 48 but that field is disabled and I can't change it. Probably related, I can play other sound from my Windows laptop, through the MBOX Mini audio interface, to the monitors. In Pro Tools,...