How to use the Mc, Mr, M+ and M- memory functions in the standard calculator iof the iPhone - YouTub 這只松鼠從還有積雪的樹枝上騰空躍起。飛行的過程中,松鼠的前爪盡可能地張開。為了尋找食物,它在松樹之間跳躍,攝影師剛好捕捉到了它“飛行”的動作,就如同一場讓人印像深刻的高空雜技表演。安德烈(Andrey Chernyh)是一位熱衷於松鼠的攝影師,對於能拍攝到這樣的畫面,他感到Hello friends, in this brief video, I explain how to use the Mc, Mr, M+ and M- memory functions of the iPhone, and in general for any simple calculator. Thanks for watching....